MSG James Hamer Jr, 81, US Army, Retired, Vietnam Veteran, of Temple, TX
The family of Master Sergeant James Hamer has requested the presence of the Patriot Guard Riders at the Committal Service of their Loved One.
In 1964, Jim joined the United States Army and remained there for twenty seven years, making the military his life-time career. He was a Vietnam Veteran who served in combat and rose to the rank of First Sergeant. James retired as a Master Sergeant with an honorable discharge at Fort Hood Army Base, Texas, in 1991. His entire obituary may be found here: https://www.youngsdaughters.com/obituaries/james-hamer-jr
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 24
Staging Time: 1205
Staging Location: The cul-de-sac between the Walk of Heroes and the Memorial Shelter at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery, 11463 SH 195, Killeen, TX 76542 (http://tinyurl.com/CenTexVetsCeme)
Setup & Briefing: Upon clearance and at the direction of the Ride Captain, we will move to the shelter, set up the flags, be briefed and await arrival of the procession.
WX: Sunny, with a high near 63.
1. Be at staging ON TIME.
2. Hydrate well prior, bring water for yourself and a buddy and dress with consideration of the weather conditions.
Please join us in honoring this Retired US Army Vietnam Veteran for his selfless service to our Great Nation.
We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.